Questions(Q) and Answers(A)
This page is updated periodically. New questions are added with answers when deemed frequent.
This page is updated periodically. New questions are added with answers when deemed frequent.
Are you talking about me in this or that post?
If I was, I will mention your name. If it's general and you fall in the category or if what I said struck a cord, then have an open mind to think through it. There's been times when I ask myself the same question while I'm writing. When this happens, I usually poke myself like three times on my head while repeating the word guilty. But I cannot let my personal wrong doing or feelings replace the bible truth. I refuse to "sugar coat" anything simply because it applies to me too. My priority should be to do better and so should you.
How much is your speaking fee?
I charge ZERO speaking fee. Speeches, teaching and writing is NOT what I do for a living. If you really feel like you must pay me, then give it to an Orphanage or a Children's home. DO NOT give it in my name; just give it. I do not accept donations but thanks for the thought. It is greatly appreciated. Where is such and such topic?
You can use the "search" box or look in the archive section. Some post may also be unavailable online if it was temporarily removed or permanently deleted based on many factors, which includes relevance, category, etc. I may choose to re-post a topic if need be.-
Are you looking for Representation?
NO, thanks. I do not have an agent and do not need one at this time. Anyone acting as my "agent" is not acting on my behalf. If I didn't personally agree to speak at your event or congregation, then I will not show up to speak at your event or congregation - simple.
Can I advertise on your website?
I do not allow advertisement on my website, which is also one of the reasons comments are not allowed to avoid abuse of the comment section. I have heard "reasons" why I should allow advertisements but I prefer less distractions for my readers. Not to mention, most advertisers who often contact me, are those who want to control narratives or distort the truth with money. Some have offered good sum of money, if I agree to take my website down. Well, the website is here to stay for as long as possible.
Why didn't you respond to my email?
It is humanly impossible for me to respond to all messages because there is only 24 hours in a day. I do my very best to occasionally respond to messages but I need my sanity too. However, I do read all messages including the nasty ones with insults and threats. I do the best I can to get to each one even if it's a day, a week, a month or a year later.
How long have you been on
My blog has been around since 2007. This was originally an "email subscription required" private blog, focused on life tips and racial discrimination. It was eventually restructured and made public with no email subscription required. The email subscription box was also removed and the site URL is now my full name.
What is your political affiliation?
I am Unaffiliated. Yes, literally Unaffiliated, which means I can no longer vote during the primary elections. I can only vote in the general elections - if I choose to. Political parties look more like a cult these days especially the Democrats and Republicans. The Independent party is barely independent. The only affiliation that matters, is the party of the Lamb that was slain on mount Calvary - not elephants and donkeys.
You spelled ___ wrong. Do you even proofread your post?
The simple answer is, not really. However, I do double check my Bible verses even if it's John 3:16. For non-biblical topics, I hardly "spell-check" my blog post because by the time I'm done typing, which usually happens very fast to get the thought out of my head; I usually have little to no time to spell check. So, if you see a mistake or concern, feel free to use the contact form to make it known and I will fix it. I'm not an "expert" in writing/blogging or whatever you call it because this is not what I do for a living. I don't claim to have all the answers and I'm just here doing my part. This is one of the mediums I choose to let my voice be heard. Discrimination cannot be eliminated but it can be drastically reduced, if we choose to do the very little that we all can.