That said, my way of celebrating this milestone will simply be to THANK YOU all for your continued support by making the time to read, learn, share and study together. Even when I took time off in 2009 to attend to family issues and other personal stuff, you guys were more than supportive with your kind and uplifting messages. Since my return to blogger website, there's been a lot of transformation as you guys can clearly tell and the subject matter has evolved as well.

- To those I may have unintentionally offended in anyway, I deeply apologize. I may have used strong and firm words that some deem to be too harsh based on content. However, the context of any piece I write has zero ill-will. Strong disagreement should never be mistaken for hatred and we can all agree on the facts of any issue if we are being sincere.
- Calling the despicable actions of someone in authority "evil" is not part of my apology and I will never apologize for such. So don't get it twisted. Condemning the act doesn't mean I condemned the person for ever, which is something we humans have no right to do. Besides, if the apostles can call similar acts by kings and rulers evil, so can you and I.
- A couple of years ago, some members of the LGBT community sent me a signed petition requesting that I apologize for saying "Love is not love because Agape is not Eros." I politely made it clear that I don't own God's truth and no one does. To those who are offended by me speaking God's truth in love, I cannot apologize on God's behalf so you will need to take it up with God; not me.

A professor at a popular christian university in California reached out recently to thank me for helping him re-visit the topic of worship with a better understanding and clarity. He has been a theology professor for more than two decades so he sure knows what worship is but according to him, he allowed himself to be blinded by "going with the flow" of human traditions that "takes the heart" out of everything. Things like this is the reason I sacrifice my time to write and chat every now and then. Besides, it's part of my journey and we all help each other grow. Maybe I should pick a topic to discuss today.
Lastly, take the time to review the bible passages that are cited in my "religious topics" to make sure that there is no human error. Always feel free to correct if there is. The number one reason I choose not to write out the entire scriptures most of the time is so people can grab their own bibles and double, triple or quadruple check. You owe it to your soul. Again, thanks much and stay blessed!