
Successful Young Men - Black vs White Perception

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According to the Economic Policy Institute, black men make twenty-two percent (22%) less than white men with the same educational background and productivity. We actually don't need a survey to tell us there is a never ending gap in wages between blacks and whites. This is the reality of young black men in America today and this is why people of color will hardly get the respect or credit they so much deserve. These young Black Men will always be seen as inferior and less important by many regardless of the hurdles they have to endure on a daily basis. Parents (regardless of race) need to start raising their kids to see colored people as human beings that deserve to be treated with equal respect and dignity like everyone else. Employees must do better and have open minds; open doors and see people, not colors.

Abraham InetianborNo surprise that a young black man fights through ten times the hurdle as his counterpart with a lighter skin pigmentation to get to the same position but still earn way less. This fight to succeed against all odds is often undermined by most. Every movement of a young black man is scrutinized under a microscope and his positive actions diminished by those who only want to believe the intents of a black man is always ill-will. How long will society denigrate a young man based on the color of his skin?

These are the top 5 things that most people (including blacks and whites) say about thriving or financially successful young men. You compare and contrast by the numbers and tell me where I'm wrong.

Young Black Man:
  1. He must be a drug dealer (Marijuana, Cocaine, etc)
  2. He must be an entertainer (Hip-hop/R&B artist, Movie or TV Actor)
  3. He must be an athlete or ball player (Basketball, Football player)
  4. He does things differently (he looks suspicious)
  5. He makes one mistake (guilty until proven innocent) 
Young White Man:
  1. He must own a good business (CEO, MGR, etc)
  2. He must have a good paying job (Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, etc)
  3. He must be from a wealthy family (Inheritance, family legacy, etc)
  4. He does things differently (he's just different)
  5. He makes one mistake (innocent until proven guilty)
Abraham InetianborFoolishness is when we stay silent on continuous evil deeds being committed against others, in the name of loyalty to our friends, family, community or group affiliation. The reason I don't complain much about racial discrimination against me as a person, is because I know some people had it worse. This is also not an excuse to let it continue. So I spend my time pushing through the hurdles, while also helping others get through it by speaking up for the voiceless. There are those who can help with real changes in our society today and help close the gap a little. Most are from the white communities and some from the black communities. Instead, they will either pretend to not see a problem, act like they can't hear the cry for justice or they just keep their mouth shut, which is the easiest way out.

Life is not fair and never will be. However, we can be better as a society and especially as people called out to make a difference. It's sad to see Christians participate in these kind of perception yet claiming that they believe in God. In the words of Dr. King, we should only judge people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Wrong perception is why we have certain group of people living on the other side of the train tracks with very little to no economic or social opportunities. When these same people get angry and ask to be treated like humans, we question their fitness for a job position or social status based on where they live. We forget this is the same place that they were systematically forced to live in based on the history of economic and social inequality. May the almighty be merciful to us all.

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